Your Next Action Step (1-Card Reading)
Your Next Action Step (1-Card Reading)
This 1-card reading with the Money Compass Deck® is perfect if you’re looking for guidance on what to do to strengthen your relationship with money.
1 card / 1 question.
Examples of prompts for 1-card readings:
What do I need to do today / this week?
What is the next step to create more: abundance / wealth / ease / freedom?
What message does money have for me?
What does money need from me to feel supported / safe?
How can I increase the flow of money?
How can I best support my future self?
How can I reach my goal?
This reading is only available as a video reading and will be delivered via email. One follow up email is included for clarification.
* Always phrase the question as a HOW or WHAT question to receive an action in return.